Queen’s PSE Examples
Fernanda Munoz - June 26th, 2023
If you are applying to Queen’s University, you may need to submit a PSE (Personal Statement of Experience). This document is a great opportunity for you to showcase your achievements, experiences, and skills.
Writing a good personal profile for Queen’s can be just as important as your grades, if not more. Admissions officers want to get a sense of who you are as a person, not just your academic achievements. It’s important to be honest and authentic in your writing, and to use specific examples to illustrate your points. Your personal profile can also help to offset any weaknesses in your academic record, so it’s important to take the time to craft a well-written and compelling document. A strong personal profile can help to set you apart from other applicants and increase your chances of being accepted into Queen’s University.
The Main Sections of The Queen’s PSE
The Queen’s PSE consists of four sections. Each section has a specific word limit, which you need to adhere to. Here is the general structure of the Queen’s PSE:
Section 1: Academic Experience (maximum 900 characters)
In this section, you need to provide details about your academic background. You can mention your academic achievements, such as awards, scholarships, and honors. You can also highlight any academic challenges you have overcome.
List any Award or Distinction that you have earned in the last 4 years. Please indicate if each is a High School (HS), Community (C), or Other(O) Award/Distinction, and briefly explain in the space provided. Please also include the year the Award/distinction was received.
Strategies to Answer:
In addition to describing the awards, add a brief explanation of why you received each one and the action steps you took that lead you to these achievements. This will make your essay more vivid and will allow the committee to better picture your strengths.
I was awarded the “Best Delegate” award at the Model United Nations conference held at my high school in my junior year. This award recognized my ability to communicate and negotiate effectively with my peers while representing my assigned country. I was also awarded the “Excellence in Science” award in my senior year of high school for my outstanding performance in my science courses. I was recognized for my strong work ethic, critical thinking skills, and ability to collaborate with my peers during labs and group projects. Both awards were given by my high school and are considered to be High School (HS) Awards.
Section 2: Employment and Volunteer Experience (maximum 900 characters)
In this section, you need to provide details about your work and volunteer experience. You can talk about your job responsibilities, skills you have gained, and how your work or volunteer experience has contributed to your personal growth.
List any full or part-time paid or unpaid employment you have had in the last 4 years. Please indicate the approximate number of hours you worked each week and the number of years (s) you held the job.
Strategies to Answer:
If you have a few or no experiences, unpaid employment experiences work here as well! This could include babysitting, tutoring, internships, placements, job shadows, and co-ops.
I have volunteered at my local hospital for the past 2 years, where I work 6 hours per week. I am responsible for greeting patients and visitors, answering phone calls, and escorting patients to their designated areas. This experience has allowed me to develop my communication and interpersonal skills, as well as gain a better understanding of the healthcare industry. I have also worked part-time as a sales associate at a local clothing store for the past year, where I work 12 hours per week. In this role, I am responsible for greeting customers, assisting with their purchases, and maintaining the store’s appearance. These experiences will allow me to be a responsable and empathetic student at Queen’s.
Section 3: Extracurricular Activities (maximum 900 characters)
In this section, you need to provide details about your extracurricular activities. You can talk about your involvement in sports, clubs, or any other activity that has helped you develop your leadership, teamwork, or communication skills.
Identify any extracurricular activities and the total number of hours you devoted (or expect to devote) to each. Please include the position held and whether each is a High School (HS), Community (C), or Other (O) activity. Activities are valued equally and may include, but are not limited to, the arts, athletics, hobbies, volunteerism, and religious, social, farm and/or household responsibilities.
Strategies to Answer:
- Hook (1-2 sentences) introducing the activity
- Description of the activity using STAR structure (most of the response)
- Reflection on the impact the student created and what they learned
For the past two years, I have served as the captain of my school’s debate team, which is a high school (HS) activity. I have devoted approximately 4 hours per week to this activity, and it has helped me develop my critical thinking and public speaking skills. I have also volunteered at a local animal shelter for the past year, which is a community (C) activity. I have devoted approximately 2 hours per week to this activity, and it has allowed me to develop my empathy and compassion. In addition, I enjoy playing basketball and have played on a community (C) team for the past 3 years. I have devoted approximately 5 hours per week to this activity, and it has helped me develop my leadership and teamwork skills. These activities have given me the interpersonal skills needed to become a paediatrician and keep helping my community in the future.
Section 4: Additional Information (maximum 900 characters)
In this section, you can provide any additional information that you think is relevant to your application. You can talk about any challenges you have faced, your personal values, or your future goals.
Choose one extracurricular activity or one employment opportunity you have listed above. Describe the impact of this experience and the greatest learning outcome for you.
Strategies to Answer:
For this answer, you will want to use the STAR model!
Situation: 1 sentence (can be merged with Task) = What was this activity about and what was its goal?
Task: 1 sentence (can be merged with Situation) = What was your role here and your main responsibility?
Action: 1-2 sentences = What were the steps you took to fulfill your role and achieve your goal?
Result: 1-2 sentences = What were the positive outcome of your involvement in this activity? How have you impacted the lives of the people involved? What are the tangible results of your actions?
Since I started high school, I have been a volunteer at the local food bank, which is a community activity. I have devoted approximately 3 hours per week to this activity, and it has allowed me to develop my communication and teamwork skills. My main responsibilities at the food bank are to help sort and distribute food donations, as well as to assist with fundraising events and campaigns. To fulfill my responsibilities, I have taken steps to streamline the process of sorting and distributing food donations. I have also volunteered to lead fundraising events and campaigns to increase the food bank’s donations and reach. Through my involvement in the food bank, I have learned the importance of community service and the impact that small actions can have on a larger scale. This experience has taught me how to work collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal and has inspired me to continue volunteering in the future to help those in need.
Tips and Tricks
Here are some tips and tricks that can help you write an outstanding Queen’s PSE:
- Be honest and authentic: The Queen’s PSE is an opportunity for you to showcase who you are and what you have achieved. Don’t be afraid to be honest and authentic in your writing.
- Use specific examples: Instead of making general statements, use specific examples to showcase your skills and experiences. This will make your writing more compelling and memorable.
- Use active voice: Using active voice makes your writing more engaging and dynamic. Instead of saying “I was responsible for…”, say “I took responsibility for…”.
- Make sure to send your essay to our essay editing team to ensure that you show your personal brand, your potential to keep impacting the world, and your excitement to attend Queen’s are all present in your essay!
- The values of Queen’s University are innovation, economic development, community, equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigeneity. Try to show how you have demonstrated these values!
- Queen’s recognizes and rewards efforts to promote racial justice, social justice or equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenization.
If you are looking to attend Queen’s and are still unsure about the program you want to pursue, check out this video to learn about the top programs at the school!
Writing a Queen’s PSE can be a daunting task, but with the right structure and tips, you can write an outstanding document that showcases your achievements and experiences. Make sure to take this quiz to learn how GrantMe can help you get into your dream school!