SFU Biomedical Physiology Admission Average
Arry Pandher - August 2nd, 2022

SFU Biomedical Physiology is a program that takes an integrative approach to learn about the body and how it works. The program is divided into two main areas of study, cellular and systems physiology. In cellular physiology, students learn about the structure and function of cells, as well as the mechanisms that control their activity. In systems physiology, students examine how the various systems of the body work together to maintain homeostasis. The program also includes coursework in other disciplines such as biochemistry, anatomy, and pharmacology. SFU Biomedical Physiology graduates are prepared for careers in a variety of fields such as healthcare, research, and education. The admission average for SFU Biomedical Physiology is 86%.
SFU Biomedical Physiology Admission Average
SFU’s Biomedical Physiology program is one of the most popular programs at SFU. The admission average for the program is 86%, and it is a very competitive program to get into. The admission average for the program is based on your Grade 12 marks, and SFU will take your highest marks from up to five eligible Grade 12 courses. SFU Biomedical Physiology offers a unique combination of academic and clinical training that will prepare you for a career in the medical field. The program is also research-intensive, and you will have the opportunity to work with some of the world’s leading researchers in biomedical physiology.
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